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Really Good at Googling

November 15, 2010

There is a joke in my house which is that sometimes I get impatient at the way my husband Googles and want to push him out of the way and set the search peramaters myself because I think that I can Google better and faster than he can.

And once I said “No, seriously, I’m really good at Googling.”

This is probably because I am in my thirties and he is in his forties. No offense, darling, it’s just a numerical fact.

That’s part of the reason that I love being able to see what search terms lead people to the blog. I can see this through the “stats” page that WordPress produces for me.

I haven’t counted but I’d say that the searches that bring the most people are “pulled chicken,” followed by “flavor principles of [one country or another],” and “pizza cast iron griddle.”

But there are occasionally randoms. I got three today, and they were all good randoms. I did not change any of the spellings here.

1. ave and macbre

(That would have led to the Danse Macabre post, and I wonder if someone was actually looking for my post on that through those search terms?)

2. somthing orange and you dont eat it

(This is not that sort of blog, about inedible orange things. I’ll stick to seasonal donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts, Afghan pumpkin, and jack-o-lantern Peeps, thanks very much.)

3. chopt of arm becausse of stealing choclate

(This is my all time favorite, unless of course someone actually had that happen to them. If they did, and it was an autobiographical search phrase, that may account for an obvious struggle with typing. I copied and pasted this last one into my Google search bar and could not find my own blog, however, which saddened me.)

In sum: I am apparently better at Googling than almost everyone. Or at least some people.

You know who you are.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Dad permalink
    November 15, 2010 11:27 pm

    If your premise is that people in their thirties are better at googling than people in their forties be prepared to be bumped off your pedestal by your button pushing son who although not yet two, has an inquiring mind and is moving in the direction of developing his own keyboard skills.

  2. Michelle permalink
    November 17, 2010 12:04 pm

    Oh, don’t Marco and I have some tense moments in front of Google. But there IS a real talent there – figuring out which words will get you what you want. There should be a competition.

  3. November 17, 2010 4:55 pm

    funny post! i’m sure my husband is better at it and he’s four years older than me!

  4. Secret Admirer permalink
    November 17, 2010 8:00 pm

    I admit this much: You are in the top five percent of googling–and of making me laugh

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